Project status: "finalized"

A simple project that monitors the softener salt level in my water-softening system.

To avoid measurement fails caused by humidity i used the following distance sensor from Benewake.

The Benewake TF-Luna
Benewake TF-Luna Module  Pinout TF-Luna Lidar(PinOut TF-Luna Module)



To not having to recompile the program every time parameters are changed, I have implemented a config web interface where the most important parameters can be easily changed.

The Wifi interface is off in normal operation and is activated by pressing a button. 
It makes a Wifi access point “ConfigESP32” on which the interface can then be reached via http:/
It is important to format the EEprom memory after loading the firmware!

Sourcecode can be downloaded in the download section->
>> Download Sourcecode here <<

Arduino IDE 2.3.3 and following libraries

* The for the Arduino IDE 2 modified KNX-Stack from Thorsten Gering
Save the KnxTpUart Folder in your library folder (in most cases it is C:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsArduinolibraries)

* Arduino library for Benewake TFMini-Plus distance sensor in I2C mode
Compatible with TFMini-S and TFLuna (in UART), but *not* with TFMini.



In this setup the ESP32-KNX board cannot supplied via KNX-BUS voltage. The Sensor needs to much power and the board will reset if you press the wifi-config-button.
You need to have an external powersuply (5V DC) here.








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